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HomeAsuransiperil of the sea | bahaya laut - IRMI

peril of the sea | bahaya laut – IRMI

Peril of the sea

Peril of the sea refers to marine hull or cargo insurance for damage due to extraordinary forces of nature that maritime ventures might encounter in the course of a voyage.

Additional Information

Some examples of these perils include stranding, sinking, collision, heavy wave action, and high winds.


Terjemahan bebas:


bahaya laut

Bahaya laut mengacu pada asuransi lambung kapal atau kargo untuk kerusakan akibat kekuatan alam luar biasa yang mungkin dialami usaha maritim selama pelayaran.

Informasi Tambahan

Beberapa contoh bahaya ini termasuk terdampar, tenggelam, tabrakan, aksi gelombang besar, dan angin kencang.



  1. Stranding ships – Kapal terdampar

Large cargo ship stranded - CBBC Newsround


2. sinking ships – Kapal tenggelam

Sinking Ship Images & Pictures - Becuo


3. collision ships – tabrakan kapal


Watch: AIS Animation Shows Mediterranean Ship Collision


4. heavy wave actions – gelombang besar laut

Heavy Surf


5. high winds – angin kencang

Wallpaper : landscape, sea, water, nature, shore, sky, clouds, storm ...


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