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IKONOA CII Ambassador ONLINE Learning Series 3 – Forensic Investigation of Engineering Claims for Industrial Operations – Senin, 10 Mei 2021 – 14:00 – 16:00

IKONOA CII Ambassador ONLINE Learning Series 3Forensic Investigation of Engineering Claims for Industrial OperationsSenin, 10 Mei 202114:00 – 16:00



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Forensic engineering has been defined as “the investigation of failures – ranging from serviceability to catastrophic – which may lead to legal activity, including both civil and criminal”.

It includes the investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury, damage to property or economic loss.

The consequences of failure may give rise to action under either criminal or civil law including but not limited to health and safety legislation, the laws of contract and/or product liability and the laws of tort.

The field also deals with retracing processes and procedures leading to accidents in operation of vehicles or machinery.

Generally, the purpose of a forensic engineering investigation is to locate cause or causes of failure with a view to improve performance or life of a component, or to assist a court in determining the facts of an accident.

It can also involve investigation of intellectual property claims, especially patents.

Terjemahan bebas:

Teknik/Rekayasa forensik telah didefinisikan sebagai “penyelidikan kegagalan – mulai dari kemudahan servis hingga bencana – yang dapat mengarah pada tindakan hukum, termasuk perdata dan pidana”.

Hal ini termasuk penyelidikan material, produk, struktur atau komponen yang gagal atau tidak beroperasi atau berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, menyebabkan cedera diri, kerusakan properti atau kerugian ekonomi.

Konsekuensi kegagalan dapat menimbulkan tindakan baik berdasarkan hukum pidana atau perdata termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada undang-undang kesehatan dan keselamatan, undang-undang kontrak dan/atau tanggung jawab produk, dan undang-undang tort.

Bidang ini juga menangani proses dan prosedur penelusuran kembali yang menyebabkan kecelakaan dalam pengoperasian kendaraan atau mesin.

Secara umum, tujuan penyelidikan teknik forensik adalah untuk menemukan penyebab atau penyebab kegagalan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja atau umur komponen, atau untuk membantu pengadilan dalam menentukan fakta kecelakaan.

Hal ini juga dapat melibatkan penyelidikan klaim kekayaan intelektual, terutama paten.

Failed fuel pipe at right from a road traffic accident – Pipa bahan bakar rusak karena kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan.




The types of equipment we will discuss include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Electric utility boilers
  2. Pumps
  3. Package firetube and watertube boilers
  4. Heat recovery steam generators
  5. Fluidized bed boilers
  6. Mechanical seals
  7. Industrial furnaces
  8. Piping
  9. Valves
  10. Industrial water heaters
  11. Petrochemical processes
  12. Food process equipment
  13. HVAC
  14. Oilfield equipment
  15. Burners
  16. Transformers
  17. Circuit breakers
  18. Atmospheric above-ground tanks
  19. Conductors
  20. Pressure vessels
  21. Steam and combustion turbines
  22. Cables
  23. Switches and relays
  24. Generator rotors
  25. Metal-clad switchgear
  26. Fin-tube heat exchangers
  27. Fans
  28. Motors
  29. Lighting equipment
  30. Welded and bolted structures


Close-up of the broken fuel pipe from a road traffic accident – Tampilan jarak dekat dari pipa bahan bakar yang rusak akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan raya.



  1. Part 1: Introduction to forensic engineering
  2. What is forensic engineering?
  3. When is forensic engineering needed?
  4. Who normally requires forensic engineering?
  5. Examples of forensic engineering
  6. How forensic investigation helps resolve disputes and makes the world safer
  7. Part 2: Types of forensic accident investigations
  8. Types of forensic investigations a forensic engineering team carries out
  9. What kind of incidents do forensic engineers investigate?
  10. What does a forensic engineer do?
  11. What qualities do you need to be a forensic engineer?
  12. Part 3: MB/CMI scope of coverage
  13. Part 4: Q and A and Conclusion


IKONOA and CII Ambassador ONLINE Learning Series – High-Rise Building: Risks and (Re)Insurance Solution – Rabu, 21 April 2021 – 14:00 – 16:00

IKONOA and CII Ambassador ONLINE Learning Series – High-Rise Building: Risks and (Re)Insurance Solution – Rabu, 14 April 2021 – 14:00 – 16:00

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