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Death Toll Rises to 7 in Chocolate Factory Explosion – Korban Meninggal Meningkat menjadi 7 dalam Ledakan Pabrik Coklat

Death Toll Rises to 7 in Chocolate Factory Explosion

One person was found alive in the rubble overnight on Friday after an explosion at the R.M. Palmer Company chocolate factory in West Reading, Pa., officials said.

Death Toll Rises in Pennsylvania Chocolate Factory Explosion

7 dead after explosion at chocolate factory in Pennsylvania - ABC News

Authorities said several people were killed and others remained missing after a powerful explosion at the R.M. Palmer Company chocolate factory in West Reading, Pa., on Friday. WPVI-TV/6ABC, via Associated Press


David DeKok, Amanda Holpuch and 


WEST READING, Pa. — The authorities continued to search for the cause of a powerful explosion that ripped through a chocolate factory in West Reading, Pa., on Friday, killing seven people, sending a plume of smoke into the air and shaking houses blocks away.

One person was found alive in the rubble overnight on Friday and was rushed to a hospital, but no further details on the person’s condition were released. Chief Wayne Holben, of the West Reading Borough Police Department, said at a news conference on Monday afternoon that search and rescue efforts had officially concluded and crews would work on cleaning up the site.

The explosion, which occurred around 5 p.m., destroyed one building and damaged another at R.M. Palmer Company’s factory, Chief Holben said at a news conference on Friday. The cause of the explosion remained under investigation, officials said.

The chocolate factory is just west of the Schuylkill and one block from Penn Avenue, a busy thoroughfare lined with cafes, ice cream shops and restaurants in West Reading, a borough of about 4,500 people that is about 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia.

A two-story factory building was flattened in the explosion, and on Saturday an excavator moved through mounds of damaged wood and warped metal where it once stood. Three buildings near the explosion site were condemned for safety reasons, the West Reading fire marshal said.

Frankie Gonzalez, 40, stood on a hillside overlooking the damage on Saturday afternoon, waiting for an update on his sister, Diana Cedeno, 45, a factory worker who has been missing since the explosion.

Mr. Gonzalez said that his family had waited at the hospital all night, unsure if Ms. Cedeno was even there. He said that Ms. Cedeno, who is married and has a 25-year-old son and a 20-year-old daughter, packaged candy at the factory.


Mr. Gonzalez said other workers had told him that before the explosion, they had been warning each other that they smelled natural gas and reported it to plant managers. He said that his son and a nephew had worked at the factory within the past year and had also told their supervisors they smelled gas.

Joseph Swope, a spokesman for UGI Utilities, a natural gas and electric company that serves the area, said that the company was cooperating in the investigation and that it was helping emergency workers on Saturday.


Joshua Ramos, 30, said he was waiting to hear about the condition of his friend, Ziomaru Ivette, 28, who was hospitalized with injuries from the blast.

“They said she’s hanging in there,” Mr. Ramos said. “I hope she makes it. It’s heartbreaking.”

On Saturday, state and local officials reported different death tolls from the explosion.

The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency said on Saturday morning that five people had died and six others were missing. Officials in West Reading disputed those numbers and said on Saturday night that three people had died.

At least 10 people had been admitted to Reading Hospital, a spokeswoman, Jessica Bezler, said in an email on Saturday. She said two of the patients had been transferred, two had been admitted in fair condition and the others were discharged.

The explosion sent a column of debris, flames and dust shooting into the air, as shown in a video that was captured by weather cameras and that Eddie Kadhim, a reporter for Fox 29 News in Philadelphia, shared on Twitter.


“The explosion was so big that it moved that building four feet forward,” Mayor Samantha Kaag, who is also a firefighter, said at the news conference on Friday after she responded to the scene.

In an interview, Ms. Kaag said she had felt the explosion at her house, four or five blocks from the factory.

“I didn’t hear a boom,” she said. “I just felt it shake my house.”

R.M. Palmer was founded in 1948 and employs around 850 people, according to its website. It is known for making seasonal chocolates, including hollow milk chocolate bunnies for Easter.

Philip Wert, the vice president for the West Reading Borough Council, said at a news conference on Saturday that R.M. Palmer had been a “community partner” for decades.


By The New York Times

In a statement on Facebook, R.M. Palmer said it was devastated by the explosion and was focused on supporting its employees and families.

“We have lost close friends and colleagues, and our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of all who have been impacted,” the company said.

The company said that its phones, email and other communication systems were down and that it was relying on emergency medical workers and disaster recovery organizations to help relay information.

McKenna Oxenden, Eduardo Medina, Víctor Manuel Ramos and April Rubin contributed reporting.

Amanda Holpuch is a general assignment reporter.


According to ABC7 news, the explosion at R.M. Palmer Company chocolate factory in West Reading, Pennsylvania was caused by a gas leak1. The explosion occurred on March 24, 2023 at around 4:57 p.m. and sent plumes of smoke into the air and shook houses. Seven people died and ten were injured, including one rescued from rubble2.

Terjemahan bebas:


Korban Meninggal Meningkat menjadi 7 dalam Ledakan Pabrik Cokelat


Satu orang ditemukan hidup di reruntuhan semalam pada hari Jumat setelah ledakan di R.M. Pabrik cokelat Palmer Company di West Reading, Pa., kata para pejabat.

Korban Tewas Bertambah dalam Ledakan Pabrik Cokelat Pennsylvania

Pihak berwenang mengatakan beberapa orang tewas dan lainnya masih hilang setelah ledakan dahsyat di R.M. Pabrik coklat Palmer Company di West Reading, Pa., pada hari Jumat. WPVI-TV/6ABC, melalui Associated Press


Oleh David DeKok, Amanda Holpuch dan Michael Levenson

Dipublikasikan 24 Maret 2023 Diperbarui 28 Maret 2023


WEST READING, Pa. — Pihak berwenang terus mencari penyebab ledakan kuat yang merobek pabrik cokelat di West Reading, Pa., pada hari Jumat, menewaskan tujuh orang, mengirimkan kepulan asap ke udara dan mengguncang blok rumah. jauh.

Satu orang ditemukan hidup di reruntuhan semalam pada hari Jumat dan dilarikan ke rumah sakit, tetapi tidak ada rincian lebih lanjut tentang kondisi orang tersebut. Kepala Wayne Holben, dari Departemen Kepolisian West Reading Borough, mengatakan pada konferensi pers pada Senin sore bahwa upaya pencarian dan penyelamatan telah secara resmi selesai dan kru akan bekerja untuk membersihkan lokasi tersebut.

Ledakan yang terjadi sekitar pukul 17.00 itu menghancurkan satu gedung dan merusak gedung lainnya di R.M. Pabrik Palmer Company, kata Chief Holben pada konferensi pers pada hari Jumat. Penyebab ledakan masih diselidiki, kata para pejabat.

Pabrik cokelat berada tepat di sebelah barat Schuylkill dan satu blok dari Penn Avenue, jalan raya yang sibuk dengan deretan kafe, toko es krim, dan restoran di West Reading, sebuah wilayah berpenduduk sekitar 4.500 orang yang berjarak sekitar 60 mil barat laut Philadelphia.

Sebuah bangunan pabrik berlantai dua diratakan dalam ledakan itu, dan pada hari Sabtu sebuah ekskavator bergerak melewati gundukan kayu yang rusak dan logam yang bengkok di tempatnya semula. Tiga bangunan di dekat lokasi ledakan dikutuk karena alasan keamanan, kata petugas pemadam kebakaran West Reading.

Frankie Gonzalez, 40, berdiri di lereng bukit menghadap kerusakan pada Sabtu sore, menunggu kabar terbaru dari saudara perempuannya, Diana Cedeno, 45, seorang pekerja pabrik yang hilang sejak ledakan.

Tuan Gonzalez berkata bahwa keluarganya telah menunggu di rumah sakit sepanjang malam, tidak yakin apakah Nyonya Cedeno ada di sana. Dia mengatakan bahwa Ibu Cedeno, yang sudah menikah dan memiliki seorang putra berusia 25 tahun dan seorang putri berusia 20 tahun, mengemas permen di pabrik.


Mr Gonzalez mengatakan pekerja lain telah memberitahunya bahwa sebelum ledakan, mereka telah memperingatkan satu sama lain bahwa mereka mencium bau gas alam dan melaporkannya ke manajer pabrik. Dia mengatakan bahwa putra dan keponakannya telah bekerja di pabrik tersebut dalam setahun terakhir dan juga memberi tahu supervisor mereka bahwa mereka mencium bau gas.

Joseph Swope, juru bicara UGI Utilities, sebuah perusahaan gas alam dan listrik yang melayani daerah tersebut, mengatakan bahwa perusahaan tersebut bekerja sama dalam penyelidikan dan membantu pekerja darurat pada hari Sabtu.

“Ledakan merusak beberapa fasilitas UGI di lokasi, sehingga gas dimatikan untuk membantu upaya pemadaman,” katanya. “UGI tidak menerima telepon sebelum kejadian karena bau gas atau kebocoran gas.”


Joshua Ramos, 30, mengatakan dia menunggu untuk mendengar tentang kondisi temannya, Ziomaru Ivette, 28, yang dirawat di rumah sakit karena luka akibat ledakan itu.

“Mereka bilang dia tergantung di sana,” kata Pak Ramos. “Saya harap dia berhasil. Ini memilukan.

Pada hari Sabtu, pejabat negara bagian dan lokal melaporkan jumlah korban tewas yang berbeda akibat ledakan tersebut.

Badan Manajemen Darurat Pennsylvania mengatakan pada Sabtu pagi bahwa lima orang tewas dan enam lainnya hilang. Pejabat di West Reading membantah angka tersebut dan mengatakan pada Sabtu malam bahwa tiga orang tewas.

Setidaknya 10 orang telah dirawat di Rumah Sakit Reading, kata juru bicara Jessica Bezler melalui email pada hari Sabtu. Dia mengatakan dua pasien telah dipindahkan, dua telah dirawat dalam kondisi wajar dan yang lainnya dipulangkan.


Ledakan itu mengirimkan puing-puing, api, dan debu yang menyembur ke udara, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam video yang direkam oleh kamera cuaca dan yang dibagikan oleh Eddie Kadhim, reporter Fox 29 News di Philadelphia, di Twitter.


“Ledakan itu sangat besar sehingga bangunan itu bergerak empat kaki ke depan,” kata Walikota Samantha Kaag, yang juga seorang petugas pemadam kebakaran, pada konferensi pers pada hari Jumat setelah dia menanggapi tempat kejadian.

Dalam sebuah wawancara, Ms. Kaag mengatakan dia merasakan ledakan di rumahnya, empat atau lima blok dari pabrik.

“Saya tidak mendengar ledakan,” katanya. “Aku hanya merasakannya mengguncang rumahku.”

RM Palmer didirikan pada tahun 1948 dan mempekerjakan sekitar 850 orang, menurut situsnya. Dikenal karena membuat cokelat musiman, termasuk kelinci cokelat susu berongga untuk Paskah.

Philip Wert, wakil presiden Dewan West Reading Borough, mengatakan pada konferensi pers pada hari Sabtu bahwa R.M. Palmer telah menjadi “mitra komunitas” selama beberapa dekade.


“Apakah itu menyumbangkan permen untuk Paskah kita perburuan telur dan hal-hal seperti itu, mereka telah menjadi anggota masyarakat yang terhormat, ”katanya.


Menurut berita ABC7, ledakan di pabrik cokelat R.M. Palmer Company di West Reading, Pennsylvania disebabkan oleh kebocoran gas. Ledakan terjadi pada 24 Maret 2023 sekitar pukul 16.57 dan mengirimkan gumpalan asap ke udara dan mengguncang rumah-rumah. Tujuh orang tewas dan sepuluh lainnya luka-luka, termasuk satu diselamatkan dari puing-puing.

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