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Big Blue Crane collapse – Runtuhnya Derek Biru Besar

Big Blue Crane collapse – Runtuhnya Derek Biru Besar

Big Blue Crane collapse

Construction Disasters – The Big Blue Crane Collapse – The Insider Exclusive

Date: July 14, 1999
Time: 17:12
Venue: Miller Park
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Coordinates 43°01′39.7″N 87°58′20.6″W
Type: Crane collapse
Cause: Crane was operated outside of design specifications for the combination of load and wind.

Deaths: 3
Non-fatal injuries: 5

The Big Blue was a Lampson LTL-1500 Transi-Lift heavy lift crawler crane that collapsed on July 14, 1999, killing three iron workers.

1. Accident
On July 14, 1999 at approximately 5:12 pm, the Big Blue collapsed during the construction of the Miller Park (now American Family Field) baseball stadium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a load of over 450 tonnes (440 long tons; 500 short tons) on the hook.

Three Iron Workers Local 8 members, Jeffrey Wischer, William DeGrave, and Jerome Starr, were killed when the suspended personnel platform in which they were observing the lift was hit by the falling crane.

A safety inspector was filming construction of the stadium on that day and captured the collapse on video as it occurred.

Wind speeds were between 20 to 21 miles per hour (32 to 34 km/h), with gusts of up to 26 to 27 miles per hour (42 to 43 km/h), at the time of the collapse.

The boom was rated to 20 miles per hour (32 km/h), and other workers had expressed concern at the speed of the wind.

An investigation revealed that although the effects of side winds on the crane itself had been calculated, it had not been considered for the load the crane was lifting.

2. Aftermath and memorial
Three firms were fined a total of over US$500,000 as a result of the collapse.

The widows of the workers, Marjorie DeGrave, Ramona Dulde-Starr and Patricia Wischer, settled a lawsuit against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of America, the company responsible for constructing the retractable roof of the stadium, for an undisclosed total of over $99 million.

Teamwork, a bronze sculpture by Omri Amrany, was installed at Miller Park in 2001 to honor the three workers.

Work on Miller Park was later completed with a new crane, a red and white Van Seumeren Demag CC-12600.

Crane collapse during Miller Park construction took lives, set back production

Terjemahan bebas:


Runtuhnya Derek Biru Besar
Bencana Konstruksi – Runtuhnya Derek Biru Besar – Eksklusif Orang Dalam

Tanggal: 14 Juli 1999
Waktu: 17:12
Tempat: Miller Park
Lokasi: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Koordinat: 43°01′39.7″LU 87°58′20.6″B

Miller Park Crane Collapse | Knott Laboratory, LLC
Jenis: Derek runtuh
Penyebab: Crane dioperasikan di luar spesifikasi desain untuk kombinasi beban dan angin.

Kematian: 3
Cedera tidak fatal: 5

The Big Blue adalah derek perayap angkat berat Lampson LTL-1500 Transi-Lift yang runtuh pada 14 Juli 1999, menewaskan tiga pekerja besi.

1. Kecelakaan
Pada tanggal 14 Juli 1999 sekitar pukul 17.12, Big Blue runtuh selama pembangunan stadion bisbol Taman Miller (sekarang Lapangan Keluarga Amerika) di Milwaukee, Wisconsin, dengan beban lebih dari 450 ton (440 ton panjang; 500 pendek ton) di kailnya.

Tiga anggota Iron Workers Local 8, Jeffrey Wischer, William DeGrave, dan Jerome Starr, tewas ketika platform personel yang ditangguhkan di mana mereka mengamati lift dihantam oleh derek yang jatuh.

Seorang inspektur keamanan sedang merekam pembangunan stadion pada hari itu dan merekam keruntuhan dalam video saat itu terjadi.

Kecepatan angin antara 20 hingga 21 mil per jam (32 hingga 34 km/jam), dengan hembusan hingga 26 hingga 27 mil per jam (42 hingga 43 km/jam), pada saat keruntuhan.

Kecepatan angin diukur sampai dengan 20 mil per jam (32 km/jam), dan pekerja lain telah menyatakan keprihatinannya pada kecepatan angin.

Investigasi mengungkapkan bahwa meskipun efek angin samping pada derek itu sendiri telah dihitung, hal itu tidak mempertimbangkan beban yang diangkat derek.

2. Akibat dan peringatan
Tiga perusahaan didenda total lebih dari US$500.000 sebagai akibat dari keruntuhan.

Janda para pekerja, Marjorie DeGrave, Ramona Dulde-Starr dan Patricia Wischer, menyelesaikan gugatan terhadap Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of America, perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab untuk membangun atap stadion yang dapat dibuka, dengan total lebih dari $99 juta yang tidak diungkapkan.

Kerja tim, patung perunggu karya Omri Amrany, dipasang di Miller Park pada 2001 untuk menghormati ketiga pekerja tersebut.

Pengerjaan Miller Park kemudian diselesaikan dengan crane baru, Van Seumeren Demag CC-12600 berwarna merah putih.


Crane collapse during Miller Park construction took lives, set back production


