Home Asuransi Exposure Rating in XOL Reinsurance

Exposure Rating in XOL Reinsurance

Exposure Rating in XOL Reinsurance

Exposure Rating — a method of rating, usually applied to excess of loss reinsurance, under which the rate is determined based on an analysis of the exposure inherent in the business to be covered and not on the loss experience the business has demonstrated in the past. The reinsurance underwriter can use both exposure rating and loss rating to determine the quoted price.


Terjemahan bebas:

Exposure Rating — suatu metode penetapan harga, biasanya diterapkan pada reasuransi Non Proportional atau XOL, di mana tarif ditentukan berdasarkan analisis eksposur yang melekat pada bisnis yang akan dipertanggungkan dan bukan pada pengalaman kerugian bisnis di masa lalu. Underwriter reasuransi XOL ini dapat menggunakan exposure rating dan loss rating untuk menentukan harga kuotasian.


Sumber: IRMI