LPMA Trisakti – Analisis Asuransi Pembangunan Kapal – Builders’ Risks Insurance as per Builders’ risks 1988 and MARCAR 2007 | Selasa, 07 November 2023 | 08:30 – 11:30
Latar belakang:
Pembuatan kapal adalah pembangunan kapal dan alat transportasi terapung lainnya. Biasanya dilakukan di fasilitas khusus yang dikenal sebagai galangan kapal. Pembuat kapal, juga disebut Shipbuilders, mengerjakan pekerjaan khusus yang berakar pada sejarah yang panjang.
Pembuatan kapal dan perbaikan kapal, baik komersial maupun militer, disebut sebagai “rekayasa laut” atau “naval engineering“. Pembuatan perahu merupakan kegiatan serupa yang disebut boat building.
Pembongkaran kapal disebut ship breaking.
Kesemuanya di atas adalah bagian dari Shipbuilding. Apakah risiko yang terlibat dan bagaimana asuransi menjaminnya?
In short:
Builder’s risk insurance is tailored-made to meet the needs of the parties who have an interest in the building contract, typically by providing hull insurance cover for the vessel being built coupled with partial third-party liability cover.
Asuransi risiko pembangunan kapal dibuat khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dengan kontrak pembangunan kapal, biasanya dengan memberikan perlindungan asuransi lambung kapal untuk kapal yang sedang dibangun ditambah dengan perlindungan sebagian tanggung jawab pihak ketiga.
Isi bahasan:
Before vessels get to the point in their life where they become the subject-matter insured under hull and machinery (or so called navigating policies) they have to be built. There are specific clauses for the particular risks which are faced during the construction process and the standard market builders’ risks clauses which were issued in 1988 were refreshed and reissued as the London Marine Construction All Risks (MARCAR) wording issued on 1 September 2007. We will review and compare both sets of clauses in this section in a tabular form for ease of reference – see table 9.2. The older clauses are still in regular use as we have already seen with older versions of the hull navigating policy wordings, because for example they are more familiar and have been more regularly tested in the courts.
Both forms are on an All-Risks basis as opposed to the named perils format of the ITC–H clauses and have several heads of coverage, which in MARCAR have been divided into specific sections:
Section A All Risks of physical loss or physical damage.
Section B Collision liabilities and protection and indemnity
Section C War risks
Section D Strikes, terrorism, political motive and malicious act
Dan pembahasan perbandingan: Builders’ risks 1988 and MARCAR 2007 clauses compared.
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